Saturday, June 11, 2011


Please note that that Gravity Pump Engine is a perpetual machine.This pumps s water more than the input water required to rum the pump after certain height.Hence one should have to find the height where Gravity Pump can become the perpetual otherwise the water required to run the engine will be more than the water it pumps up.Now it is up to you whether you want this engine to run continuously. This Engine/Machine will run as long as some thing goes wrong or some wear tear happens.

Meanwhile Here in this blog I am also uploading some photographs.
Specially the photographs taken by India TV and video of the Me Marathi channel.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Gravity Turbine:Harnessing gravitational energy

A Gravity turbine is a device to harness gravitational energy.

In simple words gravity turbine is a device which converts downward motion of any entity (in this case water) due to gravity in to rotary motion which powers alternator to generate electricity.

This was invented by Nagendra Singh and this arrangement was filed for patent on 27th August2010 in India at Mumbai patent office.

Gravity Turbine consists of …

1. Two buckets
2. Water flush system and
3. Solar Water Pump.

In the beginning one bucket is at the top and another is at the bottom. The mechanical flush system senses the bucket which is at top and commands flush systems to fill the bucket from water reserve at the top. Once the top bucket is filled with water it starts descending down due to gravity powering corresponding shaft to rotate and the empty second bucket attached to another shaft start ascending up with corresponding shaft rotation. Once the filled descending down bucket reaches bottom water is flushed out and bucket gets emptied. Simultaneously, the second ascending bucket reaches top. The water which is flushed out at the bottom is collected at bottom and recycled to top water reserve using solar water pump. At the top mechanical sensor again sense the presence of second ascending bucket at top and flush out water to fill the same. Thus second bucket becomes heavy and first bucket becomes lighter. Due to gravity this time second bucket starts descending down. Consequently, first lighter bucket ascends up as it becomes lighter with corresponding shafts rotation.

The up and down motion of bucket is transfer to the third shafts which in turn rotates in one single direction only. The special arrangement is made in such a way that third shaft rotates in single direction only although first shaft and second shaft can rotates in both direction. Third shaft is attached to Dynamo or Alternators which on rotation generate energy.

Youtube link for gravity turbine video..

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Advantage of Invention

The embodiments of the present invention provide a gravity engine which converts downward motion of mass due to gravity in to rotational motion. The rotation motion induced can be utilized for various applications such as it can be used to generate power by attaching dynamo to it, to rotate wind mills in absence of wind, to rotate the potter’s wheel, it can be attached to the cattle feed cutting machine to cut down cattle feed in to pieces, in power handlooms, in hand pump set to take water out from Well, it can be used as fan by attaching blades to it, it can be used in factory premises to run the conveyor belt. The gravity engine according to present invention is capable of producing rotary motion and hence can be used as a motor. For example this gravity engine can be applied as motor to power escalator in shopping mall, railway stations and airports.It is easy to install and affordable by a common person. The speed of the engine can be controlled as this machine uses microcontroller. It can be installed anywhere on terraces of house and in the well. It works in any climate, condition, season and temperature. The gravity engine as compared to other engine does not consume any fuel it purely works on the gravitational force

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Hydraulics ram pump

The biggest question asked by people in case of feasibility of this invetion is the water will be pump to the top?whether energy generated will be more than the energy taken to pump the water up at thetop?

My answer to these question is that this invention is better sited the palces where hydraulic ram pump are used to pump the water up.There are places in hilly regions like western ghats , himachal pradesh where hydraulic pumps are in use there this gravity turbine can be used and very much feasible.
The details of Hydraulics water pump are...
Hydraulic ram pumps are a time-tested technology that use the energy of a large amount of water falling a small height to lift a small amount of that water to a much greater height. In this way, water from a spring or stream in a valley can be pumped to a village or irrigation scheme on the hillside.
Depending on the difference in heights between the inlet pipe and the outlet pipe, these water pumps will lift 1-20 percent of the water that flows into it. In general, a ram can pump approximately one tenth of the received water volume to a height ten times greater than the intake. A hydraulic ram pump is useful where the water source flows constantly and the usable fall from the water source to the pump location is at least 91 cm (3 ft).
Since ram pumps can only be used in situations where falling water is available, their use is restricted to three main applications:
lifting drinking water from springs to settlements on higher ground.
pumping drinking water from streams that have significant slope.
lifting irrigation water from streams or raised irrigation channels.
Ram Pump Advantages include:
2.Very simple construction and easy to install yourself.
3.Does not consume petrol, diesel or electricity.
4.Minimum maintenance.
5.Pollution free.
6.Quiet pumping 24 hours per day.

Gravity Turbine:An Application of Gravity Engine

Solar Water Pump

To Pump the water up to the top from ground Solar water pump is used.

Nasa World Map for Solar Potential

Friday, June 3, 2011

FAQs on Gravity Turbine

1.Why it is unique invention?
Ans: because it is first time an attempt has been made to capture gravitational energy and utilze to convert in to other forms of energy like mechanical energy and electrical energy.

2.What is diffrent about gravitational energy other than Solar and Wind energy?
Ans:Solar energy needs strong sunlight whereas a Wind mill needs Strong flow of Wind to run it.but in case of gravity is available everywhere and all time on our planet.

3.Can this engine be used for Automobiles?
Ans:No.It is standing engine can not be used for automobiles.

4.Why you call this machine as gravity engine?
Ans:Because this machine convert gravity induced downward motion of any mass/load in to mechanical rotation.In simple word it is device to captivate gravitational energy.

5.Why you call this as revolutionary engine?
Ans.Till date all engines consume fossil fuels but this engine does not consume any fuel.It needs mass/load (in present version water) which is again recycled.So I can say that it convert gravitational energy in to other form of energy like maechanical energy,electrical energy etc. without any cost.hence I call it as revolutionary engine.

6.How GPEG(Gravity Powered Electric Generator) is different from hydro Power Plants?
Ans:It is same as the hydropower plant but here no need to have water reservoir.It requires less amount of water which can be recycle again.

Second diffrence is in case of hydropower plant the turbine i.e.alternator is kept at the bottom where as in this case it is kept at the top.

third difference is in hydropower plant free water flows top to bottom whereas in this case water flows from top to bottom in bucket.

7.How much energy one can generate?
Ans.There is no limit for generation of amount of energy.For household use energy
20 feet height with 10 liter of water it can generate 1Kilo watt energy.Total expense to set up household plant will be around Rs.1.5 lakhs.

8.How it is different from other source of energy like wind and solar.
Ans:For Solar Energy one need sunlight continously which is not available during night and rainy season.For Wind energy one need continouse speedy flow of wind or air.But in Gravity engine just need height and small amount of water.Water used can be recycle again.
This set up can be used in allover world wherever water and gravity is present.

9.What is future of this technology?
Ans:Presently in india itself Rural area is not electrified.So with this cheap and affordable technology Nano Power plant can reach to each home like television set and Mobile.For third world countries it will be like panacea.

Moreover Future of this technology is bright as demand for hybrid automobiles are increasing day by this purview Reva and Prius can be cited as example.
10.How it is diffrent from Solar turbine?
Answer:In Solar turbine Solar energy is directly used to run the turbine.but in the gravity turbine here solar pump is used for taking the water up to the top to water reserve.hence solar power is used in this to pump water and not to run the turbine.
11.Why not this machine can be called as Solar Turbine as Solar Water pump is getting used?
Ans:It can not be called as Solar turbine as turbine here is run or rotates due to gravity pull of the earth which is acting on the mass or load (Water).Solar Water pump is just used to take water up to the top water reserve.
12.Why are you calling it as Gravity Turbine although solar water pump is getting used as to take water up in the water tank?
Ans:You are right solar water pump is getting used.hence it can be also called as solar assisted gravity turbine.But the actual energy which is generated through dynamo /alternator is powered by the gravity pull.hence I am calling it as Gravity Turbine and insist it to be called as Gravity Turbine.
13.How it is cheaper than Solar turbine?
Ans.Solar turbine needs large number of solar panels which will be costly affair.Here in the gravity turbine no of Solar panels are that much which can run solar water pump.hence it is more economical and cheaper compare to Solar Turbines.
14.Will this gravity turbine be able to run in the night when solar water pump is not available?
Ans:Gravity Turbine will be able to run in the night if the water tank at the top will
have water.hence the water tank should be large enough to hold that much water so that the gravity turbine be able to run in the night.during day timing water pumping should be done so much thw gravity turbine can be run in the night as well.